- Is excuse me this a tinea? 请问这是股癣吗?
- Before a few weeks of in period occurrence retch is excuse me this disease of department of gynaecology? 在经期的前几周出现干呕请问这是妇科病吗?
- This period of time often sneeze, after was over, still can have some of snot, is excuse me this rhinitis? 这一段时间常常打喷嚏,完了以后,还会有些鼻水,请问这是不是鼻炎啊?
- Nearly half month, rise in the morning feel to have in throat phlegmy like, often meet keck, is excuse me this how? 近半个月了,早上起来觉得喉咙里有痰似的,老是会想吐,请问这是怎么了?
- Sit over to feel the whole body is algid, move to perspire with respect to the whole body a little. Is excuse me this the symptom of body empty? 坐在那里就觉得全身发冷,稍微运动一下就全身出汗。请问这是不是身体虚的症状?
- Crural bifurcation often opens rift. Like small knife rift, relapse such. Is excuse me this n/med beriberi? Who has remedial method? 脚丫老是开裂口.;像刀子割开一样,反复这样
- No matter dot sits to wear or standing, hand fit well cannot be disrelished, is excuse me this the child uses disease more? 小孩子无论坐着或站着,手跟脚都不能嫌着,请问这是不是小孩多动症呀?
- I get up to be met everyday all the time sneeze, snorty, is excuse me this irritability rhinitis? If be, the tweak that what treatment there is? 我每天起床都会一直打喷嚏,流鼻涕,请问这是过敏性鼻炎吗?如果是,有什么治疗的好办法吗?
- After eating urgent prophylactic 3 days come thing, abdomen very ache, not much blood, hematic color is abnormal also, is excuse me this oviposit period haemorrhage? 吃完紧急避孕药3天后来事了,肚子很疼,没多少血,血的颜色也不正常,请问这是排卵期出血吗?
- Is excuse me mine ectopic pregnancy? 请问我的是宫外孕嘛?
- Is excuse me my menstruation normal? 请问我的月经是不是正常?
- I everyday sneeze a dozen nose that playing gut 78 times every time namely is empty sky often choked flow drivel is excuse me this the rhinitis that attributes which kind of kinds? 我每天都打喷嚏一打就是七八次每次打完肚子都是空空的鼻子经常阻塞流鼻涕请问这是属于哪一种类型的鼻炎?
- Is excuse me the pore on nose upgrade still grows downward? 请问鼻子上的毛孔是往上长还是往下长?
- Is excuse me the diet of low blood pressure mixed recuperation? 请问低血压的日常饮食和调理?
- Can excuse me this kind of recipe cure really myopia? 请问这种配方真的能治好近视眼吗?
- You can't be leaving me this is a bad dream! 你千万不可离开我--这太可怕了!
- Excuse me, how much is a postcard to France? 打扰一下,寄往法国的明信片多少钱一张?
- Excuse me, is there a bus stop near by? 打扰了,请问附近有公共汽车站吗?
- It is other skin disease, not be a tinea! 是别的皮肤病,不是股癣!
- Excuse me, but is there a dime store in this area? 请问,这一带有大众百货店吗?